My Big Walk to Little Schools 2025+
In March 2025 I am beginning an adventure – walking from Cornwall to Scotland to share my stories about nature and the environment in schools and libraries along the way – over time. I am absolutely thrilled to be supported by Arts Council National Lottery Grant Funding for Phase 1 Cornwall to Hay-on-Wye by June 2026, which means I can offer FREE author events along the way. I am delighted Steve Williams, co-author of The Story of series is joining me for the first week of this leg – celebrating 10 years of this book series.
I hope this adventure sparks curiosity, conversations, classroom activities, reading and action to care for our plane. I love the collaborative journey of working with scientists, communities, illustrators and publishers to create the books that have inspired this project. This Big Walk means I will spend more time this year outside experiencing nature rather than inside in front of a computer screen.
I am looking forward to learning, celebrating and sharing these experiences. I know I will discover new things, new places and meet new people. I am also pretty sure I will get lost and and get wet and I embrace all of that too.
With the support of my publishers offering gift books, I am launching a nature writing competition My Little Walk in Nature to primary aged children in participating schools*.
I also providing schools with a template encouraging children to decorate bunting with illustrations of Nature I Love to celebrate local nature with school-picked winners up for prize books kindly donated by my publishers.
Please keep in touch - I welcome your feedback and ideas.
Please note that I am working with library services to invite local schools to library-based author events. I am booked for Cornwall and currently planning Devon, North Somerset…
To follow my journey…
@catherinebarrbooks on Instagram
Contact me email
Setting off for the start of Phase 1
Thanks Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) for this lovely map - new venues will be added.
I am so grateful for the support and free school books by Frances Lincoln Children’s Books and fabulous logo by Story of book series illustrator Amy Husband. This lovely map and prize books are provided by Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) and free library books are offered by Otter-Barry Books to participating schools.
I am also grateful to Cornwall County Libraries for so enthusiastically organising events and Heather@ReadingRocks for supplying books on the first leg of my journey…
Participating schools and libraries (to be regularly updated)
These will be listed as events take place.