50 Reasons to Love Endangered Animals
“Packed with facts, these books feature ten different reasons to love… different animals with tips to help protect them on a daily basis. A beautifully illustrated must-have for any budding zoologist.”
50 Reasons to Love Endangered Animals
Lions have glow-in-the-dark eyes, bears wiggle and dance as they scratch, hornbills have eyelashes and dolphins are deep thinkers. All the animals in this book need our love – now more than ever. Learn about their habitats, what makes them special, and show them you care with simple activities you can do at home. ‘Show you Love badges’ inspire children with action ideas.
Published 2020 Frances Lincoln Children’s Books
Illustrated by Hanako Clulow
HB ISBN 978-0711252448
Expert advice: The Natural History Museum, London
Also available in Portuguese, USA